"Untitled" by Johan Bitsch (RISO Poster)

DKK 140.00

RISO A3 poster by artist Johan Bitsch printed in Yellow and Blue.

The artist is donating this poster’s profits to Små Broer’s campaign to fund legal aid, dental care and everyday necessities for residents of Kærshovedgård deportation center.

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RISO A3 poster by artist Johan Bitsch printed in Yellow and Blue.

The artist is donating this poster’s profits to Små Broer’s campaign to fund legal aid, dental care and everyday necessities for residents of Kærshovedgård deportation center.

RISO A3 poster by artist Johan Bitsch printed in Yellow and Blue.

The artist is donating this poster’s profits to Små Broer’s campaign to fund legal aid, dental care and everyday necessities for residents of Kærshovedgård deportation center.

"Who is Locked Up?" by Kaare Djuraas (RISO Poster)
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"Spektakel Torv" by Erlend Hjortland Sandøy (RISO Poster)
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"Metamorphosis" by Johanne Helga Heiberg Johansen (RISO Poster)
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